Ringing time already.....here's the blog -http://www.dyfiospreyproject.com/blog/emyr-mwt/2017/06/27/ringing-2017
This is my favorite camera....and family of Osprey. It is looking like another successful year - so far.
Up to date information on this awesome nest, and the UK Osprey efforts: http://www.dyfiospreyproject.com/blog/emyr-mwt/2017/07/05/helicoptering-week Great videos included.
This one's ready to Fledge:
And away he goes....One fledge, two to go.
Wow!! that was a fast season. I hope they have safe travels and their fish meet them at the surface.
Before they all leave I thought I'd post a sample of this projects Ultra High Definition 4K camera. Such amazing closeups....
OK-there are now 3 at the nest. Here's the blog about why. Never say never about how and when.....http://www.dyfiospreyproject.com/blog/karis-mwt/2017/08/15/aeron-flies-nest-last-time
Just finishing up the season..Glesni and all the chicks have fledged to warmer climates. Monty is still enjoying some bachelor time.Monty 8-31.PNG - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
And this entertaining nest site's 2017 year would not be complete without the appearance of the "Other Woman" . What a great blog......http://www.dyfiospreyproject.com/blog/emyr-mwt/2017/09/01/blue-24-returns-dyfi